Welcome to Crackleak.com!
We are finally opening our doors and presenting you a brand new forum. Over 100 users joined our telegram and showed their support. Countless hours spent on planning, creating and developing this board. And now we are here.

Before your think "Meh, just another forum" let me explain you what seperates us from the others.

Our goal is to build a community with a team that listens to its users. We want to listen to your needs, expectations and opinions. Not only cracking is a part of crackleak.com but also every single leak you can think about. Additionally multiple different categories were chosen to make sure every user finds something to talk, share and learn about.

We know that there is a lot of room to improve our board with bug fixes, new features and maybe even new categories. Check out our announcement area to stay up to date and follow our changes.

Upcoming features and updates

Just a few bullet points for upcoming updates and tasks.
  • Adding awards
  • Adding more sections like, cracking, hacking and coding, marketplace and Vip
  • Extending the shoutbox
  • Reworking the profile layout
  • Credit System
Leave this topic, browse through some topics, share your stuff and be a part of something special that we are going to create together.

We didn't come this far to only come this far.

Crackleak.com Staff